
Wow, how time flies. Another few weeks have passed and not much has changed. The cold and flu season hit us and wiped us out for several days but all is well now.

Zach: Is doing good in school, loves his new found independence and playing with the kids in the neighborhood

Steven: Sports, sports, sports! He's all up on the basketball team changes and keeping up the good work at the gym and workouts at home.

Jon: Had a wonderful birthday with his family all in town, and his working, working, working as the iep's never stop. He can't wait until spring break.

SharaDawn: Work, school, sleep. That is about all I do. Thank heavens for Jon as he really helps out a lot at home. Master's degree projects are NO FUN!

1 comment:

  1. Hey you haven't done a post in a while....we need an update.
